Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Understanding Moderation

brain health
Coffee can be a healthy addition to your daily routine when consumed in moderation. 

It’s packed with antioxidants and offers a range of health benefits, from boosting energy to protecting brain health. 

However, excessive caffeine intake can increase feelings of anxiety and nervousness, sleep disruption, and even heart problems. The key is to find a balance that works for your body. 

Decaf coffee is a good option if you want to avoid caffeine but still enjoy the taste of coffee. It still contains antioxidants and other beneficial compounds, minus the caffeine.

If you’re feeling jittery, anxious, or having trouble sleeping, it might be time to cut back on your coffee. Other signs include stomach discomfort and increased heart rate

By monitoring your intake and making healthier choices, you can enjoy your coffee guilt-free.

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